YMCA Whistleblower Service

YMCA Whistleblower Service

The YMCA Whistle-blower Service is for the confidential reporting of actual or suspected serious wrongdoing such as misconduct and child protection breaches at the YMCA NSW.

Protection breaches, theft, fraud, dishonesty, harassment, unethical behaviour and workplace safety hazards have a negative effect in the organisation, on staff morale and organisational culture.

By reporting misconduct and child protection breaches, you can help ensure our people and patrons are safe and secure in our organization. If you see something or suspect something is wrong such as:

  • Child Protection breaches or "red flags"
  • Theft
  • Fraud
  • Dishonesty
  • Harassment
  • Unethical behaviour
  • Workplace safety and environmental hazards
  • Unethical behaviour
  • Misconduct General

YMCA treats all disclosures seriously and we are committed to reporting and actioning employee concerns: remember if you “see something – say something”. don't turn a blind eye; report it and help make the YMCA a safe, fair and honest organisation.

All people who make a disclosure are assured their identity remains confidential at all times to the extent permitted by law.